Shaker Help Request (and Thank-You!)

by Shaker Betsy

A month and a half ago, I asked for resources that I could pass along to a friend of mine who was struggling to cope with a new disability.

I can't tell you how much I appreciate Liss posting my request, and how grateful I am to everyone who shared. My friend found them very helpful, and although (obviously) she's still dealing with her health problems, having those resources at her fingertips is really important.

I'm writing now with a request that comes from her. One of her many difficulties has been dealing with inadequate insurance. She is compiling stories about people's problems with health care coverage to circulate to politicians in the hopes of promoting true health insurance reform. Her email, which I'm posting with her permission, is below. Shakers are invited to email her with their stories.

Eliza writes:
If you--or someone in your immediate family--have had problems with inadequate (or nonexistent) insurance, can you please email me, telling me your first name, age, location, and employment (or lack there of)? I want to create a forwarded email in which people list problems with their health care coverage, and I aim to have these emails reach politicians. Please limit your statement to 3 or 4 sentences, and send it to eliza dot young at gmail dot com.
Thank you so much, Shakers.

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