Random YouTubery: Covered in Bees!

[Full transcript below.]
Beekeepers as well. Beekeepers, yes. Beekeepers—they've got to want to be— "I want to be a beekeeper; I want to keep bees! I don't want 'em to get away; I want to keep 'em. They have too much freedom! I want bees on elastic, so when they get pollen they come back here! My father was a beekeeper before me, his father was a beekeeper before him. I want to walk in their footsteps, and their footsteps were like this: Ahhhhh! [runs around stage] Ahhhhh! I'm covered in bees! Ahhhh! Covered in bees!"

'Cuz that's your job, isn't it? They must lose it. Beekeepers must lose it occasionally. You know, you're there, you've got the netting, you've got two thousand bees [drones, mimes bees flying around his head], and essentially you're trying to steal honey [drones, mimes bees flying around his head].

"Morning, morning, morning, morning, morning. Hello. Hello. Knock knock. Coming in, hello. [mimes greeting bees and gathering honey] Look, there's a Ferrari over there! Can you see that Ferrari? Yes, it's going very fast, isn't it? Well, morning. Thank you."

They must be just walking back with all these bees around, and, at some point, they must go, "What the fuck am I doing?! I'm covered in bees! Help! I'm covered in bees!"

And you don't get the normal perks of a normal job, like people who work in an office. They have other people there; you can flirt, you know, you can [flirty and suggestive]: "Heyyyy. Hey, you're new here, aren't you? How are you getting on? Yeahhh. Bet you want a coffee. I was just gonna get a coffee; can I get you a coffee? I like my coffee like I like my women—in a plastic cup." [Makes confused, that-doesn't sound-right face.]

Beekeepers can't do that, with two thousand bees. [Drones, mimes bees flying around his head.]

[Mimes shouting from the beehive.] "Hello there, you in the street. You're new, aren't you?"

[Mimes person in street looking confused.] "Urh?!"

"Uh, do you want a cup of coffee? It's no problem, [Drones, mimes bees flying around his head.] No real problem."

"I don't want a cup of coffee from you; you're covered in bees!"

"I like my women like I like my coffee—covered in bees."

"Now back off, back off, back off, back off!"

"Ahhhh." [Mimes beekeeper running away.]

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