Pop Quiz

When reporting on a study that purports to have found that more than 80% of men glance at a woman's chest, waist, and/or hips before looking at her face upon meeting her, the best possible image to accompany this story is:

A. An upper body shot of a buxom blonde complete with caption "Perfect figure: Katherine Jenkins' larger chest and slim waist indicate fertility."

B. A full-body photo of a pageant queen complete with misspelling of "proof") and the measurements of the lady pictured: "Scientific proff men do look at women's breasts first .... Miss Universe Australia Rachael Finch, who has 34/86 chest and 35/89 hips."

C. An image of two women from the waist up, whose faces have been cropped out so their disembodied breasts are the focal point of the image?

D. How about the Daily Mail, Daily Telegraph, and Fox News all go fuck themselves?


Remember, blokes: Unless you've been invited, the only appropriate time to look into a lady's cleavage is when there's someone looking back.

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