I Can Haz Name?

Shaker Susan emails:
I need help from the Shakes community. A neighbor was sitting near my mail box with a long-haired kitten who was up for adoption. It's not as though my life isn't already ruled by two dogs, some fish and one totally-self absorbed cat. I couldn't help myself. Kitty is so cute, cuddly, and a major purr machine. I thought her name should be Sophie, but no, there is only one Sophs. Can the Shaker community help me?
Sophie says she would be honored to share her name* with her fuzzy wee doppelganger, if that's the new kitteh's bestest name. Although we both agree she looks an awful lot like a Miranda.

What do you think, Shakers? What should the adorable new kitteh's name be?


* It took us ages to find Sophs' name. Nothing suited her at all when we tried it on, except for Sophie. Livs was easy; she was Olivia Twist right from her start as a dirty little orphan. Tils was easy, too. I was sitting in the car, holding her in a blanket while Iain was in the store buying kitten food, and she looked up at me and I said, "You're name is Matilda, isn't it?" And she started with her ZOMG LOUD purring that makes everyone laugh who hears it.

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