Question of the Day

The logical follow-up to yesterday's QotD: What novel do you vote Best Ending?

As before, since this is essentially the spoiler thread to end all spoiler threads, please start your answer by clearly stating the name of the book, so that anyone who doesn't want to know the ending can skip over your answer.

I can think of a few possible answers to this question right off the top of my head, but the first one that came to mind is Life of Pi—and I'm not going to spoil the ending, which would truly ruin the whole book.

Another strong contender is A Prayer for Owen Meany. I figured out how it was going to end about 20 pages before the Big Thing happens, and I had to just set the book aside and have a good blub, because I couldn't read through my tears once I'd twigged to what was to come.

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