Q & A With SKM

<--SKM's sweet, sweet dream.

Q: What kind of an asshole do you have to be to open your living room windows at 3AM, fire up your amp, and start jamming on electric guitar and bass with your jackass buddies?

A: The kind that lives directly across the street from SKM and L.

Q: Could you possibly be more of an asshole?

A: Yes--glad you asked. Here's how: when SKM stands under your window and tells you to shut your windows or keep it down, look directly at her, toss your hair...and keep on playing. When L. comes out and tells you the same thing, repeat the look- toss-and-play process. Then, when L. knocks on your door until you finally answer, say "oh! I'm sorry!", like you had no idea, then act all faux-wounded 'cause we were so mean.

Dude, you're worse than sorry...you're sad.*

*with due respect to Whoopi Goldberg in Jumpin' Jack Flash.

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