You Go, Grrl: Rebecca Berry

I love this story:
Male Anchor: Well, you know, an eighty-year-old great-grandmother shouldn't have to work for a living anymore. And now Rebecca Berry—she won't have to.

Female Anchor: No, she's not coming to Tim's house, either, unfortunately! Last night, though, Berry hit the jackpot—on a dollar progressive slot machine at the Mystic Lake Casino; she takes home more than one-point-three million dollars. She looks so calm there! Berry lives in Hawaii; she comes to Minnesota a couple of times a year to visit her daughters. She says she just had a feeling about that machine.

Berry: I would play, walk away, play, walk away, and I kept coming back to the same machine for two days. [giggles] I was planning on retiring at the—early next year, but I'm going to call him and say, "I quit!" [laughs]

Female Anchor: Well, at eighty, she certainly deserves that. Berry says she plans to use the money to make repairs on her home and also to help out her children.
Berry's (soon-to-be-former) employer is a US district court judge in Honolulu, for whom she works as secretary. She's one of only four winners who have become instant millionaires playing Wild Cherry progressive slot machines.

I'm so not a gambler; I've never even played a slot machine in my life, and I've been to Vegas (for a trade show, my attendance at which was required by an old job). "The house always wins" is just too compelling an argument for me to put down my money—but I love it when other people gamble and win. Congrats, Ms. Berry!

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