What a Concept

[Trigger warning.]

Shaker Puellasolis sends along this piece in the conservative Chicago Tribune in which Trib blogger Steve Chapman notes that conservatives' favored political metaphors are despicable:
Am I the only one to notice that President Obama's angrier critics have a curious habit of associating him with an extremely unpleasant form of bodily invasion?

[Provides examples, like Limbaugh's "grab yer ankles" shit.]

Get it? Obama's policies are the equivalent of having something shoved not down your throat but up your lower digestive tract--or worse yet, being sexually assaulted.

…Where does this link between Obama and anal violation come from? Maybe it's just the next inevitable step in the coarsening of political discourse. Maybe it's derived from the jokes in raunchy movie comedies involving male buddies. Or maybe it's the product of some weird subliminal reaction to the first black president.

But whatever the source, it's an ugly tactic that conservatives ought to discard. I don't enjoy or expect to enjoy the results of many of Obama's policies. But I'm willing to bet they're nothing like being raped.
Also not like being raped: Playing Halo. See also: Paying taxes. And: Pretty much every other thing that is routinely compared to being raped.

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