Torchwood: Children of Earth - Open Thread

Alright, since I have now seen it in its entirety, I'm going to selfishly decide this is the day on which we start the Open Thread.

There are spoilers below the Open Wide. Do not enter if you do not wish to read spoilers.

No really. Spoilers. Lots of 'em. Don't blink. They'll sneak up on you. Whatever you do - Just. Don't. Blink. Oh, wait, that's that other show!

So - what did you think?

I was impressed, as always, with their wonderful portrayal of non-heterosexuality, from love to lust and in-between. I liked that the heartless killer assassin happened to be a woman, and that that didn't seem to make undue difference in how horrible she was. I liked that there were POC in various positions, important and not, with no discernible pattern of $NONWHITE=EVIL (not discernible to me, anyway; I can admit that may be an artifact of privilege, and welcome being corrected if I'm mistaken).

The emotional charge of the series was huge, I felt, and though I can certainly understand how people could be peeved with RTD about it, it was still done well enough that my friends and I watched all five in a row, ending at 3am (it was broken into five instalments by Space, the Canadian sci-fi channel, and shown in 75-minute slots - yay for full eps!).

The casting was outstanding: so many enormously talented actors* in this show. Even smaller parts were well-filled, with superb actors familiar from a host of BBC productions.

I cried for Ianto (poor beautiful Ianto!), and for Clem, and for Jack and Alice, and for Steven, and even for Frobisher, and the girls and their mother...tragically mistaken right to the end. And even though it was totally telegraphed, I still jumped half out of my seat when the shots came.

So - go at it, Shakers! What did you think? What do you think the future will bring - there's been a renewal for a fourth season, though all but Gwen are now gone from the team we're used to (Owen and Tosh first, then Ianto, then Jack leaving)? Where will they set up, without the old Hub? What happened to the pterodactyl in all this?

* I use the word "actor" to refer to a person who acts, regardless of gender.

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