Quote of the Day

"I tell you that OBAMA is really good chess playaear, and with awesonme IN TEAM CAN destroy your plans to enreach by blackwater; i HAVE tHE world on the saucer AND i'LL GIVE TO the king: mR. OBAMA., esquire; YOU ARE POOR PIONS;l BLACKWATER is in THE ATTACK AREA OF CHINA AND RUSSIA AREA: IT's MY DIK; I HAVE EXACT COORDINATES OF BLACKWATER; UNDERSATOOD: ISRAEL DON'T EXIST ANYMORE , ARABIAN EMPIRE IS REAL; LOCKERBY's JETS WILL BE MADE ON LYBIA; SUCK THE DIK AT YOUR BIRTHDAY. AWESOME the WRAITH, 'STEEL GUARDS' COMMANDER" — AWESOME_by_me, some dipshit who has left a couple comments on a year-old post.

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