Honduras coup turns lethal

Shaker Blank has been carefully updating me on the situation in Honduras (Blank is in Venezuela, and is an hispanophone, so has been providing insight into the non-governmental news sources).

President Zelaya tried to return to his country yesterday, but was prevented from landing by the army and police, occupying the airport and literally blocking the runway to prevent the aircraft from landing. It diverted to Nicaragua instead, where President Zelaya is meeting with several other regional leaders. The various international organizations - EU, OAS, and so on - have all denounced the coup, and insisted that the return to the rule of law be swift.

Unfortunately, the people who've gathered en masse to protest the army's seizure of power came into clashes with the army yesterday, and at least one was killed.

At Twice Immigrant, I've posted a link to the locations of Honduran consulates and embassies all over the world. I encourage you to take a moment to write an e-mail or a letter to your nearest Honduran diplomatic representative, urging them to calm the situation, and return power to the civil authorities. There are notes in the post about how to approach writing to diplomats, if you've never done it before.

A "government" slaying its own citizens in the name of democracy doesn't deserve to rule: "We had to destroy the village to save it" was nonsense then, and it's nonsense now.

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