Help a Shaker: Disability and Ally Resources

Shaker Betsy emails a request to the community:
A friend of mine has been having mobility problems for a few years due to severe pain in her ankles that has been given varying diagnoses. Last year, relocating to a new town, a new baby, and the debilitating pain conspired to leave her isolated and unable to do basic tasks or participate in activities she loves. Recently, she has had to seek medical treatment after suicidal thoughts. She is likely to get a wheelchair soon. That is the background.

I want to offer her as much support as I can, but as someone with no experience in this arena, I was wondering if any Shakers had recommendations for support groups or websites for the newly-disabled, to help with everything from the emotional consequences to the practicalities of figuring out how to get the most out of a wheelchair and find decent health insurance/providers. I did some googling, but I have no way to evaluate what are good resources and what aren't. I would be so grateful for any sites or books or other resources that you, or a loved one with a new disability or in a wheelchair, have found to be helpful.
Please help out, if you can.

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