Dumbest Cops on the Planet?

Possibly so:
Two DeKalb County [Georgia] police officers have been placed on paid administrative leave after an investigation revealed they ran a background check on President Barack Obama.

...Officials said Obama's name was typed into a computer inside a DeKalb County police car on July 20 and ran through the National Crime Information Center.

The secret service was immediately notified and contacted the DeKalb County Police Department.
Gee, ya think?! What I love most about this is how these two bozos apparently thought it possible that by checking the widely-accessible NCIC, they were going to uncover some scandalous secret about a sitting United States president, who's been vetted more thoroughly than an exhaustively vetted thing with lots of little very vetted bits all over it. "Dude, check it out! He was arrested for murder in '92 and no one's noticed!"
A representative said both officers have been with the department less than five years.

...It is unclear why the officers ran a check on the president.
Here's a wild guess: They're fucking morons.

[Via Memeorandum.]

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