Someone Help Me Into This Refrigerator

I think it's the only thing that will protect me from this:
The Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen team are in the UK, to premiere the film and plug the mercy out if it. My own video from the London press day is coming soon, but in the meantime, the BBC have popped their own interviews online and, by the by, broken a story on the next Indiana Jones film.

Newsround presenter Lizo Mzimba squeezed Shia LaBeouf for some details on his upcoming projects and according to the sometime Jones Jr., Steven Spielberg has “cracked” the story for the next movie and is “gearing that up”.

There’s been a long standing rumor that Spielberg and Lucas are planning a hand-down of the torch from Harrison Ford to Shia LaBeouf, a rumor that started before part four yet still stands. How true that story is I have no idea, however, but I’m not exactly keen on the idea. For an Indiana Jones skeptic like myself, Ford’s winking charm is one of the most enjoyable ingredients in the series and I don’t know how much I’d care about a revision of the recipe that didn’t include it. Shia seems to be growing out of his particular charms, I think. He was a perfectly good nervy-awkward teenager, but I don’t know where he goes from here.
Well, there's always that "instantly communicate with monkeys somehow and get them to attack Nazis" angle. Maybe they could work that in there again.

Ugh. Between this and the other complete shite dripping out of Hollywood these days, I wonder if I'll ever go to the movies again.

Meanwhile, I eagerly await my newest Netflix shipment without a trace of irony. It rises!

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