Shaker Gourmet: Crispy Onion Strings

Ever wondered how to get those fabulous onion strings? Wonder no more! These are so freaking good on top of a homemade bacon cheese burger or grilled chicken sandwich, or grilled portobella! Whatever you like. Heck, they're good just right off the plate!
Crispy Onion Strings

1 large sweet onion
1/2 cup ranch dressing
1/2 cup milk
2 cups flour
1 tablespoon kosher salt
ground pepper
chili powder
(other spices...chipotle chile powder, cayenne pepper, etc...)
Canola oil

--Slice the onion as thin as humanly possible without slicing some finger strings and separate out the rings.

--Put rings in large bowl, top with ranch and milk, toss to coat. You may need more milk/ranch to make sure all rings are covered (but they don't have to be floating in it). Put in fridge for at least an hour.

--Bring oil (enough that you're able to drop onions completely into it) in deep pan (or deep fryer) to 375. Mix flour with salt and spices.

--Dredge onions in flour mix, shake off excess. Drop into hot oil for about 3 minutes/until golden. Drain on plate covered w/paper towel.
If you get them really, really thin, it'll probably take more like a minute and a half versus three minutes--just make sure to watch for when they turn golden brown since they still cook for a bit after you've taken them out of the oil. Enjoy!

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