Question of the Day

Suggested by Shaker Sniper: What's the worse you've ever smelled, and why?

Once, many years ago, I woke up late and was frantically trying to find something to wear. "Ahh, it's Casual Friday," thought I, relieved, and threw on a pair of jeans I'd left on my then-boyfriend's floor. I ran to the El stop, and caught a train quickly. Yay, me.

After I sat down, I noticed that something smelled of cat piss. Then I realized it was me. Horror! The jeans I'd picked up had been peed on by his idiot cat in the middle of the night and had dried by the time I grabbed them. In my hurry, I hadn't noticed.

And oh what a smell that is. Like sour ammonia with an axe to grind.

There was nothing I could do except sit there and smell of cat piss. When I got to work, I rinsed out the jeans as best I could without soaking them entirely (but they still stunk), tried not to come within 10 yards of any of my coworkers (except the ones with whom I could laugh about it), and used my lunch hour to run to Lane Bryant and get a new pair of slacks.

That morning, however, was certainly the most stinky I do believe I've ever been, and ever care to be.

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