Question of the Day

We haven't done this one in awhile... And it's a two-parter:

1. Which movie that you loved as a kid still holds up when you watch it now?

2. Which one doesn't?

Leaving aside more obvious favies like the original Star Wars trilogy and the Indiana Jones movies for more esoteric shores, I'll answer part 1 with Dragonslayer, which still looks pretty damn good effects-wise and has a female lead who isn't laughably shameful. Iain had never seen it when we met, so I got it on DVD, and he really liked it. I also recently loaned it to Kenny Blogginz, who'd also never seen it, and liked it, too. They both wondered why they'd never even heard of it before; I don't know why it's not more widely considered a classic fantasy film.

I'll answer part 2 with The Dark Crystal. Don't get me wrong; I still adore TDC (Aughra, I love you), but what were fantastic and scary creatures when I was 8 are now obviously dudez in costumes on stilts (or wev). But the realistic movement and lifefulness of the dudez on stilts is what made it so wonderful when I was a kid and lacked the capacity to see it as I do now, so I'm not complaining.

For outright "OMG this movie is so bad" after thinking it was good when I was a kid, I offer Solarbabies. Wow.

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