Shaker Gourmet: Simple Bombay Potatoes

My apologies to Shaker Ecogeek who submitted this a while ago and I managed to lose it in my email. Ecogeek says: "There are a ton of recipes for Bombay Potatoes out there, and this is my favorite. Quick, easy, delicious as a side dish or main course and even tastier a day (or even a week) later."
Simple Bombay Potatoes

1 onion, chopped
1 potato, chopped
1 tomato, chopped
1/2 to 1 Tbsp (or more or less, depending on spice preferences) each: cumin, turmeric, mustard seed, chili powder
2 or so Tbsp vegetable oil

In large frypan on medium heat, cook spices in oil until they darken and turn extra-aromatic (if using whole seeds, you're done when they start to fizzle and pop). Add onion and saute until golden. Add potato and cook 10min, stirring frequently. Add tomato, reduce heat, and cook covered another 10min. Serve with rice or flatbread.
Ecogeek also notes: "If I'm making it as a main course I usually toss in a small can of chickpeas or some lentils for protein."

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