Radio Shakesville Update (Harry Krishna Edition)

The latest edition of Radio Shakesville has been described by critics and fans alike as "a podcast" and "an hour long." If you haven't already downloaded it, you can do that here. Or here through iTunes. Or here through Feedburner. You can also look here for a complete list of songs in this show and decide beforehand that, wow, this is a bunch of crap and not download it at all. Or you can ignore the list and be surprised by the crap.

For those who enjoyed the Women in Music episode (and really, I need a better title for that series) part two is in the works, so if you'd like to call in with a request, give me a ring. The number is (641) 715-3900, extension 44515. If you enjoyed this episode, that's a fun way to make the next one even better.

Of course, if you thought the episode sucked, you can call in and tell me that too.

Speaking of the request line, if you'd like to hear something not related to women in music, or if you'd just like to dial in and tell me I'm an asshole, feel free to do that too. If you don't call I'm going to have to go with Butch Pornstache's request for "Every Rose Has Its Thorn" on a constant loop, because, as he said, "that one really gets the ladies wet."

And to everyone who has called in, and everyone who has downloaded it and enjoyed it, thanks so much.

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