Question of the Day

What's the first magazine you subscribed to? or, What's your current favorite magazine?

I am addicted to magazines. Combined with my reluctance to throw things away, it becomes a real annoyance when moving time rolls around. Seriously, moving boxes of magazines makes me feel like a complete idiot. But I can't get rid of them! Aiiee!

Anyway, when I was a kid, I had a subscription to Ranger Rick, which was the best. Thing. Evar! Just receiving mail when I was a kid was exciting enough, the fact that it was a magazine full of animals made it even better.

Right now my "buy every month" magazines are Doctor Who Magazine and Imbibe. I loves my Doctor Who and I loves my booze & coffee.

EDIT: I should have added that this can, of course, include your favorite 'Zines. My favorite right now is Steampunk Magazine. (They allow you to download a pdf of the mag for free, but I encourage you to purchase if you're interested!)

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