Lambert Rocks Idol

Last night was "rock night" on American Idol, and it was another round of "Which one of these doesn't belong?" as Adam Lambert came out and rocked some Zeppelin:

Although, if I'm honest, I liked Adam's duet with Allison even more than this solo performance last night:

If these two aren't the finalists this year, there is no justice in the world. And of course we know there isn't, so it will probably be Adam and that douchebag Gokey. Speaking of whom…

Oh, HELL no. What the fuck was THAT? Save me, Maude. Save me, and save my ears from the scary youth minister and his horrible weaponized screechery.

Btw, I loved—LOVED—how much Kris and Danny seemed to hate each other during their duet last night.

Their barely-concealed contempt for one another was even more priceless during the judging. How can the love between two youth ministers have gone so terribly wrong?! I bet it was about the number of sacraments.

Here's some more Adam, care of Andy:

Rock on.

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