Random Non-Cat YouTubery: John Cleese and His Beloved Lemurs

As we know, we need to try harder around here to cater to the needs of manly men who are feeling emasculated by all the cat pictures. There seems to be some debate at Shakesville over whether lemurs are acceptable creatures about which to blog, or are merely "creepy". The following video illustrates where I stand on the matter. So, please enjoy a manly man cuddling manly creatures!

John Cleese, like SKM, is a lemur nut

I don't have time right now to transcribe a 7.5-minute video, but the voice-over is Cleese describing a project he helped to fund that released captive-born black and white ruffed lemurs back into the forests of Madagascar. The show aired on PBS about 10 years ago and the description is here, including details of the project.

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