News from Shakes Manor

Last night, while watching Zachary Quinto, who plays Spock in the upcoming J.J. Abrams-helmed Star Trek film, being interviewed by Letterman

Liss: He's very dry. I like his sense of humor.

Iain: Aye. He's gooing tae be very famous soomeday. Well, I s'poose he already is, because oov "Heroos." [pause; scratches Matilda's head] Why am'nt I famous yet?

Liss: Never done anything. Never tried anything.

Iain: [laughs loudly] Ye wereny s'poosed tae answer that! [looks at Matilda] Yer mum's a right arse'ole.

[Possibly the funniest thing about this conversation is that if Iain actually ever were to inexplicably become famous, he'd probably implode with panic in approximately 3.7 seconds. Which, btw, I say with all due admiration, because I'd last less than 2.]

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