
So, last Saturday, Morrissey played the Aragon Ballroom in Chicago—and everyone who is aware of this fact, and also knows that I have lived a life of fervent devotion to the man whose song "Shakespeare's Sister" is whence came the title of this space, has emailed me to ask where the fuck my post about the show is.

Here it is, mofos!

I don't really do concert reviews, but I will say that it was a stunning show at which I had an awesomely good time. Mozza was in great form, the band was kicking ass, the place was packed to the rafters, the setlist was superb, and I got to go with two of my favorite people on the planet—Iain and my best friend Todd, with whom I've shared every Mozza-related adventure since I was 15. It doesn't get much better than that.

My best bit of the show for me was the performance of "Death of a Disco Dancer," which is one of my favorite Smiths' songs: Love, peace, and harmony—oh, very nice, but maybe in the next world. I've been listening to that song for almost 20 years and that was the first time I've heard it live. By the time the band got to the crescendoing breakdown at the song's end, tears were streaming down my face, just from the pure joy of being in that moment.

Here's a good clip from the show of two songs: "Black Cloud," off the new album, and the classic Smiths' track, "How Soon Is Now?"

His voice is better than it has ever been—and he looked like a nonillion bucks in that tux. Moz turns 50 next month on May 22, just 11 days after I turn 35. I remember when he turned 35. Oldness.

Don't forget the songs that made you cry, and the songs that saved your life...

I haven't.

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