Lost Baby

For the Losties: Josh Holloway and his wife, Yessica Kumala, just became first-time parents, after Yessica gave birth to their daughter, Java, who gets her name (I suspect) by way of Mom's hometown of Jakarta, Indonesia (which is located on the island of Java).
Lost heartthrob Josh Holloway and wife Yessica welcomed a daughter on April 9 in Oahu, PEOPLE has exclusively confirmed. They named their baby girl Java Kumala Holloway.

"Dad and Mom are absolutely thrilled," a source close to the actor, 39, tells PEOPLE. "Everyone's happy and healthy." This is the first child for the couple, who have been married since 2004.

Holloway's Lost costar Daniel Dae Kim knew the actor would enjoy fatherhood. "He'll be an incredible dad," Kim told PEOPLE in February. "When you talk to him about his baby, his face completely lights up."

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