In "I'd Rather Be Doing Anything Else" News...

...I'm working on my taxes today.

I just emailed a friend: "Merely figuring out the exact amount I've made this year between donations, freelancing, and ad revenue took me all morning.* Plus, because we live in Indiana but Iain works in Illinois, we have two state returns to do. The whole thing is a giant mess every year. We may just move to the closest country without an extradition treaty instead."

But, jokes aside, the truth is that I've spent the day feeling pretty grateful—to The Guardian for giving me a paying gig, to the advertisers who purchased space at Shakesville, and to every Shaker who made a donation/s last year.

And so I just wanted to interrupt myself for a moment to say: Thank you.


* And because I'm so going to be the last one out of The Matrix, I have to count every last penny, or else I would never sleep again.

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