Actual Headline

Why some single women just need to shut up. Hey—don't get mad! It says "some." Geez.

The contemptible bullet-pointed "Story Highlights," for the slack-jawed functional illiterate on the go, are even more loathsome:
· Author calls women who are happy being single "happies"
· Women who have bad attitudes about being single are called "crappies"
· No reason for happy singles to explain why they are alone, author writes
· Unhappy singles can change attitude by taking care of self, author says
All right then!

I'm not even going to get into the accompanying photograph and the actual content of the article, which is best filed under "I Don't Understand What 'If the Shoe Doesn't Fit, Don't Wear It' Means, So I Fill My Days Unnecessarily Writing Defensive, Reactionary, Self-Loathing Bullshit."

Oh, CNN. When there's so much good NEWS to report, why do you waste so much time on the NOOZ instead?

[H/T to Shaker Nicole. Previously in Teh Nooz: One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight.]

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