Quote of the Day

"The comments made during a recent recording session amongst friends were taken out of context and blown out of proportion. I apologize on behalf of myself and my friends if anyone was offended. The intentions were not to pass judgment and we meant no harm. I respect and wish the best for all parties involved."—R&B singer Usher, apologizing for suggesting that Chris Brown should "have a little bit of remorse, man," after viewing pictures of Brown relaxing on a jet ski weeks after violently attacking his girlfriend Rihanna.

This is what we're dealing with in this country when it comes to violence against women. Usher suggests that maybe, just maybe, it's a little bit callous to be taking a little public R&R before the bruises you left on a woman's face have even healed, and, within days, he's the one apologizing because, hey, he didn't mean to pass judgment or anything.

Fucked. Up.

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