Monday Blogaround

This blogaround brought to you by Shaxco, makers of the Fertilofag Spunk Baster, disseminating the Radical Gay Agenda for the 21st Century.

Recommended Reading:

Chewing the Fat: An Elephant Disappears.

Archie McPhee: The Eighth Commandment.

Joe My God: Zurich Gets Lesbian Mayor.

Monkeys For Helping: The best picture of Jesus on the telephone you will see today.

Corey Feldman: The truth about Lost Boys 3.

Alex Hannaford, CiF: Jail Guitar Doors.

Cliffie's Notes: "Dracula" Fish Described By Human Science.

AFOTD: Lobot.

Mondo Rick-o: The Things I've Noticed During Jury Duty.

Dog Eat Blog: Art Nouveau in Prague.

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