Have I ever mentioned that I love Kelly Clarkson?

Oh, yes—I have. Well, let me mention it again: I love Kelly Clarkson.

Think Kelly Clarkson looks too good to be true on the cover of her upcoming CD? You're right, says the singer.

"No girl is perfect," Clarkson – who joked on her blog last month that "they Photoshopped the crap out of me!" on her sexy All I Ever Wanted cover image – told a group of Girl Scouts recently…

In fact, she told the group of about 20 pre-teens gathered in Nashville Feb. 11 for a self-esteem workshop sponsored by Dove, "just to let you know everyone in the magazines is Photoshopped! Beyoncé is one of the most beautiful girls in the world but she gets Photoshopped too. We're all human!"

…"I learned right then to stop reading press. Either you're going to get a big head or you'll get depressed and neither one is great. I don't buy magazines like that. Even if I'm not in them, it's just healthier to get away from that kind of thinking," she says. "It's horrible – they'll show celebrities with cellulite and it's like, 'Of course celebrities have cellulite!' We're not fem-bots!" (Link)
I adore that she said "it's just healthier to get away from that kind of thinking," not just about oneself but about other women, too. One of the most important bits of teaspooning women can do is simply to love and respect other women—and it's not just important culturally, but also personally. We can't love ourselves if we hate other women. We can't be comfortable with our own bodies if we constantly judge the way other women look. We must extend outward the same generosity, flexibility, and esteem that we should each grant ourselves to be happy in who we are.

Letting go of the culturally-imposed obligation to judge everyone is hugely freeing—and it makes accepting oneself a helluva lot easier.

It's a gift to ourselves, and to everyone else who steps into our gazes.

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