Shaker Gourmet: Chicken & Wine Sauce

From Broce, who says: "Ok....this is one my mother calls "chicken and wine sauce" though there's no wine anywhere near it. It's easy, and perhaps not terribly organically PC for lack of a better term, but it goes over *very* well with guests, I've found."
Chicken & Wine Sauce

In a bowl mix:

1. 1 can cream of mushroom or cream of chicken soup. (Don't add water to any of the soups, just the soup itself)

2. A couple of large shakes of soy sauce.

3. 1 Can chicken and rice soup (I tend to use the reduced sodium soups).

Cut up a couple of stalks of celery fairly fine, and do the same with a small onion. If you like mushrooms toss in a few small mushrooms as well, sliced thin. Toss all of those in the sauce.

Take a cut up chicken and lay it in a single layer in a baking pan - I find pyrex works fine. Generally I use this with bone in skin on chicken, but I think it could easily be done with boneless skinless as well.

Pour the sauce over the chicken and put the chicken in the oven at about 350 for an hour or so - just make sure the juices run clear. The last 15 minutes or so I toss in a couple of handfuls of minute rice to soak up the sauce, but you can just as easily make rice separately.

When the chicken is done layer it over a bed of rice and spoon some of the sauce over it.
This sounds like a recipe that will work with a crock pot as well!

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