Post-Golden Globes Open Thread

Kate Winslet holds up the two Golden Globes (woot!) she won last night, for Best Supporting Actress in a Motion Picture (The Reader) and Best Actress in a Motion Picture Drama (Revolutionary Road). I lurrrrve her.

Tina Fey also picked up a couple for 30 Rock, and the big story of the night was Slumdog Millionaire, which picked up four. I can't wait to see that.

Best Red Carpet Interview: Taraji P. Henson. She is adorably winsome.

My favorite moment of the night was when Kate Winslet gave her acceptance speech for Revolutionary Road and told her husband Sam Mendes (who directed the film) that working with him made her love him even more. He looked so damned proud of her; it was a real-life romantic moment that was quite genuinely sweet.

I also loved the audience reaction shots when Johnny Depp came out to present. Everyone they showed, from Glenn Close to Brad Pitt, looked completely smitten with him. He has a charm and charisma that stands out even among the most enormous stars in the world.

Colin Farrell was funny.

When Terrence Howard came out to present, I groused, "Oh no, not him." And without missing a beat, Iain said, "I forgot to tell you I picked up some baby wipes for you while I was out earlier." LOL.


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