Obama Not Likely To

In what is now probably my favoritest headline of all time: Obama Not Likely To Make It To Gay Leather Events During Inaugural Weekend.

Well... damn. As a spokesperson for the president-elect put it, "Let's just say it's likely the president-elect will be occupied with many other activities."

You know what I loved about this article? (Aside from the ridiculous premise here that Obama might have otherwise swung by if he just wasn't so damn busy. Seriously, how did that question even get asked?) The reaction from Obama's camp. The spokesperson at least seems totally unbothered by the idea. "Hey, wanna come to our leather party?" "Nah, we've already got plans, but thanks anyway." Not the typical hand-wringing I'd normally have expected. Good for Team Obama.

Maybe next year Obama's schedule will be a little freer.

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