News from Shakes Manor

After yet another morning of heavy snowfall, we now have what I can safely describe as a fuckload of snow.

A few minutes ago, I had to run an errand, and, when I opened the front door, I was shocked to see the tiniest wee red squirrel lying on my front porch on its stomach, directly in front of the door. It's a covered porch; ergo, no snow. And I imagine the bit right in front of our (drafty) front door is pretty warm.

The poor thing peered up at me as if to say, "You're not really going to make me go back out in the snow, are you? As you can see, it's three times as tall as I am."

I said, "You can stay as long as you like, but I'm going to have to step over you to get to the driveway."

We looked at each other a moment longer. When I moved toward it, it scurried away through the porch slats, into the snow. But it was definitely a half-hearted retreat. I'm pretty sure Red Squirrel was thisclose to taking the wild risk of trusting me, if it meant not having to face any more snow.

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