Hi, I'm Hillary Clinton. Have we met?

Sarah Palin's countdown clock is blinking 14:59, and desperate times call for desperate measures—like making the inconceivably daft claim that if she'd been a wealthy woman running on the Democratic ticket, she wouldn't have been subjected to such unfair and sexist coverage.

Governor Palin, may I introduce you to Parts 1 through 114 of the Hillary Clinton Sexism Watch?

For the record, I agree with Palin that she was frequently treated unfairly (which is why there was also a Sarah Palin Sexism Watch at Shakesville), but her contention that she was victimized by the Liberal Media because she's a conservative is laughable.

As is her continued unwillingness to call out the very campaign of which she was a part for its sexism or own up to her complicity in the subversion of her agency.

Of course, if she were honest about why she got ten tons of shit from the media—not because she's a conservative, but because she's a woman—it would undermine that precious conservative narrative about how institutionalized sexism doesn't exist and, hey, even if it did (and they're not admitting it does nor that they perpetuate it every chance they get), real American boot-strappin' women wouldn't let it keep 'em down!

If Palin admits she were targeted just because she's a woman, just another pair of uppity tits thinking she's someone, it would really close the book on that pretty little story of her priceless exceptionalism.

The red pill is hard to untake.

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