Happy New Year!

Hellooooooo, 2009!

Well, 2008 was a helluva year, wasn't it? I can't say I'm sad to see the back of it.

I started the year by saying:
We have a lot of work ahead of us this year, with its being an election year—and not just any election year, but the year we finally get rid of that wankstain currently occupying the White House! Wheeeeeeeeee! Undoubtedly, it will be a struggle to make sure he isn't replaced with someone just as bad, and I'm quite certain the Democrats will continue to frustrate and annoy and demand our attention as we fire off missives and make phone calls to try to get them to do their blessed jobs, so it's full steam ahead.
lol your famous last words

Not just one, but two, hundred+-part series on racism and sexism, countless battle scars and flounces, gay looks and fauxgressives, heaping fuckloads of pathetic anger bread, and my depleted ass dragged back from the brink, and we made it out the other side. With a historic and Democratic president, to boot.

Which leaves me to say only this: We must always remember that when our teaspooning arms start to hurt, it's just the muscles gettin' bigger!

Onward, Shakers...

The Radical Gay Secular Feminazi Cooter Agenda isn't going to promulgate itself, people.

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