You've Made It! Now What...?

First read Tami. Then read Ann.

Now discuss.

I've found that the longer I write about politics and culture, here and elsewhere, the more I find it exceedingly easy to be a Feminist Progressive Female Writer Who Writes about Many Things from a Feminist Progressive Female Perspective.

Meaning, I don't feel obliged to limit my topics (to, say, "women's issues," or "everything but women's issues"), nor do I ever feel obliged to leave parts of myself behind, e.g. regard myself as a political writer who happens to be a woman, as if that's incidental. When it's really, really not. No matter about what I'm writing.

And I know that balance is a rare gift for a woman who writes.

Or any marginalized person.

It helps that I don't give a shit if I get written off for being "too feminist." Which is mostly possible since I don't work for the American media.

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