"This is terrible; this man call's himself a Christian????Barack H. Obama is the most PRO-DEATH president America has ever elected!!!!! He has said that as president he is going to pass the 'Freedom of Choice Act' how can our country get any better with this type of MURDER?????? Mr. Warren school be ashamed of himself, protection of the unborn is the MOST IMPERATIVE issue as a Christian!!!!! For without life do we continue to have a society at all??? I think not!!!!! God Bless & MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"—Pat, a correspondent at the Christian Broadcasting Network's "Brody File" blog, expressing his or her displeasure with Pastor Rick Warren for accepting President-Elect Obama's invitation to lead the invocation at his inauguration.
Pat and I probably have little else in common, but that's pretty much what I was talking about when I noted earlier today that Warren doesn't appear to have much integrity if he's willing to participate in the celebration of an elected leader whom he likens to a Nazi appeaser.
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