Question of the Day

As the closing days of the Bush administration draw near at last, I can't help but reminisce about all the priceless oratorical gifts with which our outgoing president is leaving us. Earlier today, I recalled a real beauty: In his Jan. 2006 State of the Union address, President Fumblenutz pulled one of his greatest non-sequiturs ever out of his ass, requesting that Congress pass legislation to ban the creation of "human-animal hybrids." My god, that was a thing of beauty. We had fun with human-animal hybrids for months. Remember the Cheneyshark and the mangaroo? Good times.

So tonight's QotD is: If you could become a human-animal hybrid, with what animal would you be crossed?

I would be half penguin, so I could hold my breath under water for at least a half hour and dive to 1,700 feet. And because I love sushi. Also, I'd always be ready at a moment's notice for a formal party.

Iain would be half dolphin, so he could "swim in the ocean, be dolphiny, and emit ear-piercing screeches that would shatter the windows of local shops." I suspect he isn't taking this question very seriously.

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