News from the Inside of a Snow Globe

Well, our electricity is finally back on, just in the nick of time, as Matilda, Olivia, Sophie, and I were all snuggled together on the sofa beginning to wonder if we should dismantle the dining room chairs for kindling and use the bathtub as a fireplace.

Iain had the worst of it, as it took him over four hours to get to work because the trains had such massive delays; evidently, he can likely expect the same nightmare on the way home, too, poor fella. And he may well arrive at the station to find our car ensconced in a block of ice, which will be, uh, interesting.

It feels like I've just escaped from a snow globe (or, for the truly nerdtastic among us, from the The Phantom Zone, as I described it to Spudsy), as I had no contact with the outside world nor even any idea what time it was, lol, for most of the day. I did venture outside for a bit, to check the mail (and had little luck, since the mailbox was frozen solid in about an inch of ice) and take some pictures around the front and back gardens.

Beautiful, but cruel. I'm glad to see you, such as it were, again, Shakers.

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