May Stain Some Surfaces

My Christmas greeting for The Guardian's Comment is free America, "Merry Christmas, Mr. President!" is now up:
In December 2000, just as George Bush was preparing to stroll into the White House for what would become a two-term presidency, parents all over the country were scrambling desperately around toy shops trying to locate the year's hottest items on their kids' Christmas lists: razor scooters and Teksta, a robotic puppy who had become the de facto mascot of the next generation in animatronic interactive toys – complete with a collection of responsive sensors and a programmable mode, Teksta responded to stimulus and could even be "trained."

Heeling at the feet of the tech boom, reflective of both cutting-edge scientific advancements and a vibrant global economy, Teksta was a perfectly suited symbol and homage to outgoing President Clinton's presidency, even if Teksta were slightly better behaved.

Eight years later, as President Bush prepares to stroll back out of the White House and head back to Texas, this year's hot toy is a doll that shits all over the place.
Read the whole thing here.

Schmerry Mishmosh, Shakers!

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