Goodbye, Bushie!

Shaker AbracaDeborah has a favor to ask of you all:

We're having an inauguration party, and apart from the ceremony itself, we need some stuff to put on the TV. We're capable of showing the Net on the TV; we've played clips from Teh Tubez at our parties before. We'll be watching the ceremony, of course. I intend to have a bottle of bubbly in my hand and sing out "Hey hey, goooood bye!" at the sweet, magical moment when Teh Shrub finally steps off the national stage.

Well, I'm kind of short on things to play apart from the inauguration. So far, I've got this. I'm also going to show Colbert's speech. I need a bit of help finding more. I bet you all could come up with some awesome stuff. After all, I got that first clip from a comment thread on Shakesville.

This is a ribald crowd, no worries about language, or anything else, really. Shakers aren't likely to recommend offensive things, so I can leave it at that.

We're in Dallas, and well aware that we're about to have that twit as a neighbor. Like our traffic isn't bad enough, ugh. We need some humor to numb our imminent pain. If you could help us out, that'd be wonderful.

If you're in Dallas, come on by. (Email Liss and she'll put us in touch.) :-)

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