Wild About Harry

So, last night, Harry Connick, Jr. was on the Letterman show, and I've been waiting all day for a video of it to come online, but no such luck. He told a rather hilarious story about the black and white roosters his family owned, respectively named Obama and McCain, one of whom got eaten on election night. I don't guess I need to tell you which one.

He was also being generally cute talking about his wife and three daughters, which reminded me that he once got Shakesville's Quote of the Day for rhapsodizing all the strong women in his life—so, since I can't find that darn video, here's the quote again with the video originally posted with it. Enjoy!

"My life is chick power. My manager is a woman, who has been with me since I'm 18, and my wife is a strong and intelligent woman. I have three daughters. My dogs are all females. Even my sister Suzanna...she just got a double medical degree; she's now a psychiatrist and an internal medicine doctor and she speaks about 10 languages. She's so impressive. I'm surrounded by strong, intelligent women."Harry Connick, Jr.

Here's Harry doing "Yes We Can Can," a tune The Pointer Sisters made famous.

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