RIP: Mitch Mitchell

I apologize for being a few days late with this, but I couldn't let this event pass without mention.

Every musician has influences, those that came before them who exhibited a certain mastery of their instrument. While there are a few different drummers whose styles I've drawn from, there were always two at the top of the heap: Keith Moon and Mitch Mitchell. Both of them were generally in the same sphere for me. They both took drumming into a more improvised lead role, as opposed to just being the basic back beat of the rhythm to support the lead instrument(s). While Keith's style was rooted in plain insanity, Mitch was rooted in jazz techniques.

Mitch's performances on Hendrix's debut album are simply awe-inspiring. That album was one, in particular, that I listened to repeatedly while trying to improve on the drums. I couldn't possibly be more grateful for all of his great contributions to the music we've enjoyed for such a long time. I'm sorry that I missed the chance to see him recently on the Experience Hendrix tour.

I liked his description of the first jam session with Jimi and Noel Redding:
"We did some Chuck Berry and took it from there," Mitchell told the newspaper. "I suppose it worked."
Perhaps there's some consolation in the fact that the band's back together now. Thunder just got louder.

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