Malia and Sasha Go to Washington

Malia and Sasha Obama are getting a special personal tour of the White House this afternoon, accompanied by grandma Marian Robinson and their mother.

[Michelle Obama] "greatly appreciated this invitation to provide an opportunity for the girls to feel at home and be comfortable in this transition process," [according to her spokesperson] Katie McCormick Lelyveld. (Link)
Back in April, I quoted Rox: "I think it might be good for the country to see these little girls living in the White House." The only thing wrong with that statement, upon reflection, is that it undershot the possibilities: I think it will be good for the world to see these little girls living in the White House.

I only hope what's good for the rest of us doesn't take a terrible toll on them.

Consider yourself warned, Limbaugh. You, too, McCain. And you, Shuster. Jerks.

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