
Editor & Publisher:
The Obama-Biden ticket maintains its strong lead in the race for daily newspaper endorsements, by 112 to 39, an almost 3-1 margin, picking up 70 or more papers in the past three days…

We have also added up the circulation of the papers endorsing each candidate. Here Obama leads almost 4-1: 13.4 million to 3.7 million.
By comparison, John Kerry just barely edged George Bush in 2004, 213-205. Clearly, there are a lot of endorsements yet to come, but it's wildly unusual to see such an obvious rout at any time during an election.

Relatedly, Bob Geiger points out that McCain's judgment, or lack thereof, specifically with regard to choosing Sarah Palin as his running mate, is routinely cited in newspapers' endorsements as one of the reasons they didn't endorse McCain.

That she has energized the conservative Republican base and alienated just about everyone else exposes how markedly disconnected from the American mainstream that base really is.

The irony, of course, is that they don't believe in dinosaurs.

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