Question of the Day

We've done this one before, although not for a long while, and it was fun the last two times around and there are always new faces to consider. Are there any celebrities whom you are often told you resemble?

I'm too fat, quite honestly, to be told I resemble any celebrities very often. But those who fancy British comedy often tell me I resemble Dawn French, who is living, sexy, voluptuous proof that big can be beautiful, and I consider the comparison blushingly flattering. (She's actually way prettier than I am.)

Dawn on the left; Liss on the right.

(That was an existing picture of me, by the way. It wasn't taken just to try to highlight the resemblance.)

Iain is a dead ringer for Louis CK, except that Iain still has a full head of curls.

Iain on the left; Louie on the right.

(As an aside, I had to argue endlessly with Iain to allow me to post that picture of him the first time 'round. He claims he looks "like a bucket of monkey-spunk." Wev. I love that picture.)

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