The dove on the head is just cracking me up. I did a cursory search to try to find the origins of the photo, but looking for "kids peeing" made me feel pervy as fuck, even with "vintage photo" tacked on the back.
After seeing Mama Shakes' lovely restroom photo, Shaker Amish451 sent me this one, with the note: "On the subject of restroom photos (sorry about the reflection), this hangs in the restroom at 'The Corner Café' in the little town where I live; it has been there for years. I have no idea where it was taken or who the kids were—nor, of course, why the kid with the white cowboy boots has a dove on his head. 'Behold, My...'???"
The dove on the head is just cracking me up. I did a cursory search to try to find the origins of the photo, but looking for "kids peeing" made me feel pervy as fuck, even with "vintage photo" tacked on the back.
The dove on the head is just cracking me up. I did a cursory search to try to find the origins of the photo, but looking for "kids peeing" made me feel pervy as fuck, even with "vintage photo" tacked on the back.
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