Jesus Called Me

I was at home working on some writing yesterday when the phone rang. I checked the Caller ID. It said Area Code 281, and the name was "A AND T". Figuring it was some pollster or something, I answered and was greeted with the bible verse that goes "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, Jesus Christ, etc." It lasted for only a few seconds, then hung up.

I looked up the area code and found that 281 is Houston, Texas. The only person I know in Houston -- even if it's only over the internet -- is Steve Bates of The Yellow Doggerel Democrat, and if he was going to call me, that's not how he'd do it; he'd be much more original. So I dialed the number back and got -- of course -- a busy signal. I guess someone in Houston is frantically trying to evangelize via robocall. Either that or it's the Jesus-freak version of Prince Albert in a can.

I am sorry I didn't get to talk to a real person. I would have told them that "Frodo gave his finger for you!"


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