It's President That One to You

My debate wrap-up piece for The Guardian's Comment is free America is now up.
Before Barack Obama and John McCain are even introduced, I am struck with wonderment at the staging for the event, which is being held in what appears to be an airtight, windowless bomb shelter gussied up with an ocean of cheap red carpet, a vivid blue wall, one jarringly incongruent purple podium, and risers bought from a Bozo Show firesale. When the senators walk out, I half expect them to chuck the debate and instead play the Grand Prize Game.

Which would actually be pretty fun for us all.

But, instead, we're treated to watching Barack Obama advocate change, John McCain invoke his record, and Tom Brokaw get snippy because the candidates didn't adhere to the rules and blocked his teleprompter.
Read the whole thing here.

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